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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $101-$300 - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 1826.0
3 gordonbombay32 WPN 831.0
4 plyman416 WPN 549.0
5 icecoldriva WPN 499.0
6 WeakPPLuseHUDS WPN 423.0
7 Cryptoman23 WPN 346.0
8 PapaProofs WPN 334.0
9 Candy1and WPN 300.0
10 ElGradiente WPN 166.0
10 2win WPN 166.0
12 megalodon656 WPN 154.0
13 ***CK*** WPN 76.0
13 Nofignewtons WPN 76.0
15 Maz11 WPN 66.0
16 TrumpedYou WPN 50.0
17 princ pensii WPN 35.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $101-$300 - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 bbruins13 WPN 37.0
2 Maz11 WPN 28.0
3 Candy1and WPN 27.0
4 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 18.0
5 BabyBowser WPN 13.0
6 osikIwin WPN 9.0
6 PatePate WPN 9.0
8 gordonbombay32 WPN 8.0
9 the fresh WPN 7.0
11 IamMVP WPN 6.0
12 WilliamHBonney WPN 5.0
12 plyman416 WPN 5.0
12 pokerpilot77 WPN 5.0
15 SatoshiNakomoto WPN 4.0
15 princ pensii WPN 4.0
17 icecoldriva WPN 3.0
17 DarthSpewer WPN 3.0
19 DonkitupGrind WPN 2.0
19 WeakPPLuseHUDS WPN 2.0
19 KOpect8 WPN 2.0
19 TrumpedYou WPN 2.0
19 Viroforti WPN 2.0
19 IxAMxGAME WPN 2.0