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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 fishchops WPN 9.43
2 A.McQueen Global Poker 7.59
3 Opted-Out Global Poker 6.34
4 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 5.42
5 kriopst Chico 4.79
6 5HTP WPN 4.56
7 ScauHades PokerStars 4.28
8 Opted-Out PokerStars 4.15
9 positivethinking Global Poker 3.83
10 Russ2PG13 Global Poker 3.79
11 zhenyag14 Chico 3.77
12 McCaffreyFTW Global Poker 3.61
13 SchruteBucks Chico 3.55
14 Maus219 PokerStars 3.49
15 Opted-Out WPN 3.37
16 itswhatever Global Poker 3.34
17 WickedGame666 WPN 3.33
18 ForNerzul PokerStars 3.2
19 evilkermit Global Poker 3.19
20 Hardooo Global Poker 3.16

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 fishchops WPN 31.16
2 player160616 WPN 24.02
3 Fuck3dZone WPN 20.13
4 bluespinel WPN 18.83
5 bbruins13 WPN 18.52
6 maysville Global Poker 17.2
7 5HTP WPN 16.0
8 DreDay921 WPN 15.8
9 A.McQueen Global Poker 15.57
10 tommendes7 WPN 15.34
11 TreeAndFiddy Global Poker 14.5
12 Undaunted Tenacity Global Poker 13.86
13 Lambonali WPN 13.79
14 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 13.57
15 Opted-Out Global Poker 13.36
16 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 12.88
17 Opted-Out PokerStars 12.62
18 freshsqueezedlemon Global Poker 12.15
19 zotyi91 WPN 11.63
20 Aardvark2 Global Poker 11.62

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 ecto cooler Global Poker 12378.0
2 nodream Chico 6783.0
3 kriopst Chico 6743.0
4 McCaffreyFTW Global Poker 6464.0
5 luxuriant1 888Poker 6232.0
6 A.McQueen Global Poker 5688.0
7 fishchops WPN 5219.0
8 demon199548 PokerStars 4531.0
9 Opted-Out WPN 4135.0
10 Opted-Out PokerStars 3992.0
11 Opted-Out Global Poker 3986.0
12 Russ2PG13 Global Poker 3786.0
13 nickao25 PokerStars 3717.0
14 zhenyag14 Chico 3681.0
15 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 3662.0
16 platosha666 PokerStars 3587.0
17 Kommersant K PokerStars 3451.0
18 Jelova Chico 3308.0
19 guijunior PokerStars 3186.0
20 MishkaVodka1 PokerStars 3144.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 ecto cooler Global Poker 12278.0
2 arh2014 PokerStars 7416.0
3 luxuriant1 888Poker 7329.0
4 kriopst Chico 6282.0
5 renarss PokerStars 6225.0
6 guijunior PokerStars 5890.0
7 TheBlack2005 888Poker 5458.0
8 nodream Chico 4670.0
9 Pormal 888Poker 4448.0
10 Purrfect22 888Poker 4309.0
11 luckyno75 PokerStars 4104.0
12 Opted-Out WPN 4043.0
13 Senna18 Chico 4035.0
14 Jelova Chico 3908.0
15 nickao25 PokerStars 3907.0
16 evilkermit Global Poker 3887.0
17 Mr.Deposit 888Poker 3495.0
18 demon199548 PokerStars 3388.0
18 Bieltraxx PokerStars 3388.0
20 lavrusha1982 888Poker 3337.0