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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2.01-$5 - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 luxuriant1 888Poker 1.39
2 OiTms PokerStars 1.36
3 nickao25 PokerStars 1.31
3 demon199548 PokerStars 1.31
5 Opted-Out 888Poker 1.29
6 SucoD'Frutaa PokerStars 1.27
7 Purrfect22 888Poker 1.25
8 guijunior PokerStars 1.17
9 twinwOw 888Poker 1.16
10 Opted-Out PokerStars 1.14
11 TheBlack2005 888Poker 1.09
12 kamal0880 PokerStars 1.06
13 DONMasterSVK Chico 1.05
14 MJcardoso7 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 1.01
15 Mr.Deposit 888Poker 0.99
16 M.Engelman PokerStars 0.95
17 Neo Eugenio PokerStars 0.92
18 BeMyATMplz 888Poker 0.9
19 Yurgo900 PokerStars 0.89
19 Piccoli85 PokerStars 0.89
19 filipejf86 PokerStars 0.89

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2.01-$5 - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 Kommersant K PokerStars 3.53
2 Neo Eugenio PokerStars 3.2
3 Purrfect22 888Poker 3.02
4 PairOfBlanks PokerStars 2.93
5 birita20 PokerStars 2.92
6 ElektroStars PokerStars 2.81
6 M.Engelman PokerStars 2.81
8 Penka_vs_AA 888Poker 2.78
8 Opted-Out 888Poker 2.78
10 nickao25 PokerStars 2.77
11 thndernation 888Poker 2.76
12 OiTms PokerStars 2.75
13 TheBlack2005 888Poker 2.74
14 BeMyATMplz 888Poker 2.7
14 luxuriant1 888Poker 2.7
16 Opted-Out PokerStars 2.68
17 Mr.Deposit 888Poker 2.61
18 iStruckGold 888Poker 2.53
19 kamal0880 PokerStars 2.46
20 Cebolaa490 PokerStars 2.45
20 SucoD'Frutaa PokerStars 2.45

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2.01-$5 - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 luxuriant1 888Poker 5144.0
2 TheBlack2005 888Poker 2895.0
3 OiTms PokerStars 2250.0
4 guijunior PokerStars 2054.0
5 twinwOw 888Poker 1795.0
6 Purrfect22 888Poker 1778.0
7 nickao25 PokerStars 1512.0
8 Opted-Out 888Poker 1225.0
9 Pormal 888Poker 1214.0
10 MJcardoso7 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 1040.0
11 Mr.Deposit 888Poker 1031.0
12 SucoD'Frutaa PokerStars 973.0
13 Opted-Out PokerStars 954.0
14 DONMasterSVK Chico 946.0
15 DanielCH.97 PokerStars 892.0
16 demon199548 PokerStars 841.0
17 Piccoli85 PokerStars 757.0
18 birita20 PokerStars 695.0
19 M.Engelman PokerStars 660.0
20 luckyno75 PokerStars 639.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2.01-$5 - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 luxuriant1 888Poker 6285.0
2 TheBlack2005 888Poker 5341.0
3 Pormal 888Poker 4347.0
4 guijunior PokerStars 3366.0
5 twinwOw 888Poker 3279.0
6 M.Engelman PokerStars 2634.0
7 OiTms PokerStars 2617.0
8 Mr.Deposit 888Poker 2462.0
9 Purrfect22 888Poker 2434.0
10 nickao25 PokerStars 2095.0
11 barth5636 888Poker 1938.0
12 luckyno75 PokerStars 1821.0
13 rafa1antunes PokerStars 1678.0
14 Opted-Out 888Poker 1661.0
15 Opted-Out PokerStars 1579.0
16 filipejf86 PokerStars 1478.0
17 DanielCH.97 PokerStars 1470.0
18 Darkfell92 888Poker 1444.0
19 PinkLadyx PokerStars 1370.0
20 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 1354.0