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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2 and under - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 494666301 Chico 0.73
2 DONMasterSVK Chico 0.7
3 juanibr PokerStars 0.66
4 Bieltraxx PokerStars 0.64
5 sermix Chico 0.62
6 Senna18 Chico 0.59
7 AltaVista Chico 0.56
7 ARTos11 PokerStars 0.56
9 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.55
10 planemo Chico 0.53
11 thesupaten10 PokerStars 0.5
12 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 0.49
13 filipejf86 PokerStars 0.47
14 UltraBully Chico 0.46
14 007migmigpapas Chico 0.46
14 Ari Araujo PokerStars 0.46
14 OiTms PokerStars 0.46
18 Eraldomalf Chico 0.45
19 meglom PokerStars 0.43
20 renarss PokerStars 0.42
20 guijunior PokerStars 0.42

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2 and under - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 juanibr PokerStars 1.41
2 JulismardeAC PokerStars 1.36
3 Yurgo900 PokerStars 1.29
4 ChillinMeyou PokerStars 1.28
5 meglom PokerStars 1.17
6 psalm69er PokerStars 1.16
6 Ari Araujo PokerStars 1.16
8 thesupaten10 PokerStars 1.14
9 DONMasterSVK Chico 1.11
10 Bieltraxx PokerStars 1.1
10 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 1.1
12 sermix Chico 1.09
13 Senna18 Chico 1.08
14 ARTos11 PokerStars 1.07
15 planemo Chico 1.06
16 494666301 Chico 1.03
17 Opted-Out PokerStars 1.02
18 AltaVista Chico 0.92
19 UltraBully Chico 0.91
20 OiTms PokerStars 0.9
20 MyStarsIDis0 PokerStars 0.9

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2 and under - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 renarss PokerStars 1887.0
2 Bieltraxx PokerStars 1043.0
3 Senna18 Chico 863.0
4 DONMasterSVK Chico 785.0
5 494666301 Chico 746.0
6 AltaVista Chico 708.0
7 juanibr PokerStars 658.0
8 planemo Chico 651.0
9 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 495.0
10 Eraldomalf Chico 436.0
11 sermix Chico 428.0
12 guijunior PokerStars 388.0
13 Ari Araujo PokerStars 351.0
14 007migmigpapas Chico 350.0
15 ARTos11 PokerStars 335.0
16 UltraBully Chico 326.0
17 arh2014 PokerStars 296.0
18 Opted-Out PokerStars 288.0
19 thesupaten10 PokerStars 255.0
20 OiTms PokerStars 233.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $2 and under - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 arh2014 PokerStars 6288.0
2 renarss PokerStars 6225.0
3 Bieltraxx PokerStars 3143.0
4 Senna18 Chico 3053.0
5 planemo Chico 2287.0
6 AltaVista Chico 1959.0
7 Eraldomalf Chico 1881.0
8 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 1821.0
9 UltraBully Chico 1796.0
10 Opted-Out PokerStars 1696.0
11 DONMasterSVK Chico 1636.0
12 juanibr PokerStars 1547.0
13 guijunior PokerStars 1492.0
14 494666301 Chico 1467.0
15 1mdd2450 PokerStars 1307.0
16 Opted-Out PokerStars 1197.0
17 Ari Araujo PokerStars 977.0
18 007migmigpapas Chico 965.0
19 sermix Chico 936.0
20 MGerrard91 888Poker 861.0