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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Any Game 2 to 3 Table

2022 - Any Game 2 to 3 Table - $101-$300 - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 newguy89 PokerStars 4964.0
2 SULLYT WPN 1800.0
3 lucky zeven WPN 1770.0
3 Yenomez69 WPN 1770.0
5 Red4erT PokerStars 1680.0
6 bbruins13 WPN 1670.0
7 MrShaibel WPN 1490.0
8 bluespinel WPN 1250.0
9 Saitama1123 WPN 1200.0
10 player160616 WPN 1180.0
10 fishchops WPN 1180.0
12 EPCStudent WPN 940.0
13 Kesjan PokerStars 916.0
13 MentaaaL14 PokerStars 916.0
13 LVL05 PokerStars 916.0
13 Opted-Out PokerStars 916.0
13 csssstakopp PokerStars 916.0
18 Perlinpin1 PokerStars 896.0
19 waveless PokerStars 894.0
20 GangBaaangBob WPN 890.0
20 bigsoowoop WPN 890.0
20 DomsRTA WPN 890.0

2022 - Any Game 2 to 3 Table - $101-$300 - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 newguy89 PokerStars 57.0
2 OrangemanXD PokerStars 45.0
3 Succeeed PokerStars 40.0
4 MonkeyBudg PokerStars 27.0
5 manupochat PokerStars 25.0
6 Adamyid PokerStars 23.0
7 NickeL 9 WPN 22.0
8 t3hN1njALV PokerStars 19.0
9 ArtHouse2011 PokerStars 15.0
10 evianwater1 WPN 14.0
10 leoduarte13 PokerStars 14.0
12 bbruins13 WPN 13.0
13 bigbeez WPN 12.0
13 selinantis PokerStars 12.0
13 KKruchitAAs PokerStars 12.0
13 SULLYT WPN 12.0
17 Red4erT PokerStars 11.0
17 joker180785 PokerStars 11.0
19 Relthor1301 PokerStars 10.0
20 Perlinpin1 PokerStars 9.0
20 jareth3542 PokerStars 9.0
20 waveless PokerStars 9.0