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MainSelection: 2021

MainSelection: 2021
CategorySelection: Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players

2021 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 The TJS PokerStars 127.0
2 Akkerx PokerStars 92.0
3 609_sixonine PokerStars 91.0
4 basiilik PokerStars 72.0
5 Faser4Life PokerStars 68.0
6 7CARTAS PokerStars 38.0
7 mitiyy PokerStars 36.0
8 Uncle-Vadik PokerStars 22.0
9 xTheWall PokerStars 15.0
9 TeamLeaderBR PokerStars 15.0
9 XtheChemical PokerStars 15.0
12 J8llyfish PokerStars 14.0
13 Maral96 PokerStars 10.0
14 Lionmaster PokerStars 7.0
14 pegase6 PokerStars 7.0
14 aussikrtecek PokerStars 7.0
14 L. Ansinelli PokerStars 7.0
14 boicha PokerStars 7.0
14 King-Pin2707 PokerStars 7.0
20 unclebulbus PokerStars 6.0

2021 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 609_sixonine PokerStars 68.0
2 XtheChemical PokerStars 48.0
3 SHOMDE10 PokerStars 43.0
4 The TJS PokerStars 31.0
5 gar182n PokerStars 28.0
6 Panda0777 PokerStars 22.0
7 Uncle-Vadik PokerStars 21.0
8 Toreadorgr PokerStars 14.0
9 Akkerx PokerStars 13.0
9 Rockchuvak PokerStars 13.0
11 sergo992 PokerStars 11.0
12 Lets Burn Money PokerStars 10.0
13 Andrej82 PokerStars 9.0
14 unclebulbus PokerStars 8.0
15 2_7FTWdonk PokerStars 7.0
15 Maral96 PokerStars 7.0
17 7CARTAS PokerStars 6.0
17 Opted-Out PokerStars 6.0
19 A_LAKSHMI_ 5.0
19 J8llyfish PokerStars 5.0
19 Faser4Life PokerStars 5.0
19 JaydaVixen PokerStars 5.0