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MainSelection: 2016

MainSelection: 2016
CategorySelection: Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2.01-$5 - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 Creepter PartyPoker(preJun2019) 1.12
2 888Poker 1.06
3 OberynMartelll PartyPoker(preJun2019) 0.99
4 juanykeko PokerStars 0.97
5 msredka PartyPoker(preJun2019) 0.96
6 lukana1 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 0.94
7 Herbettigre PokerStars 0.93
8 caipisandro 0.9
8 m@g1c0 PokerStars 0.9
8 Kazi070486 888Poker 0.9
8 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.9
12 hugocordero 0.89
13 Warrior007 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 0.88
14 Surogini 0.86
15 Dovlatov282 The Hive 0.85
15 ForBluffSake PokerStars 0.85
17 waru495 888Poker(ES-PT) 0.83
17 carpodium 0.83
19 zlitza. The Hive 0.82
19 HangaroundHM PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 0.82
19 BagdasaryanM PokerStars 0.82
19 YurenAA PokerStars 0.82

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2.01-$5 - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 Creepter PartyPoker(preJun2019) 3.56
2 antonfs1986 WPN 3.04
3 cionca78 3.03
4 Witcher7 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2.84
5 Kazi070486 888Poker 2.81
6 GotCreative 888Poker 2.8
7 lukana1 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2.72
8 BOKSIC_1989 2.61
9 m@g1c0 PokerStars 2.56
10 Raycrom 2.42
11 anako3 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2.36
12 caipisandro 2.35
12 w.novellino 2.35
14 fantajonio 2.27
15 Herbettigre PokerStars 2.26
16 warkaut PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2.24
17 pokerrosendo PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 2.23
18 AKyJIa777 FullTilt (Closed) 2.21
19 Uteped PokerStars 2.19
20 Wh1te_R4bb1t The Hive 2.18
20 Glikozuzunos PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2.18
20 daewoon PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2.18
20 streitreis PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2.18

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2.01-$5 - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 carpodium 2878.0
2 Kazi070486 888Poker 2518.0
3 ForNerzul PokerStars 2342.0
4 juanykeko PokerStars 1874.0
5 ForBluffSake PokerStars 1595.0
6 888Poker 1396.0
7 paco pecs 1146.0
8 printul7 PokerStars 1125.0
9 lukana1 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 1098.0
10 YurenAA PokerStars 1066.0
11 zlitza. The Hive 903.0
12 Surogini 866.0
13 BagdasaryanM PokerStars 814.0
14 Creepter PartyPoker(preJun2019) 789.0
15 mr_hiks PokerStars 717.0
16 m@g1c0 PokerStars 699.0
17 GotCreative 888Poker 687.0
18 gurrahindu SvenskaSpel 684.0
19 hugocordero 605.0
20 cionca78 602.0

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2.01-$5 - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 lukana1 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 14279.0
2 carpodium 12091.0
3 Kazi070486 888Poker 9278.0
4 poliponi PartyPoker(preJun2019) 7662.0
5 ForNerzul PokerStars 7264.0
6 mr_hiks PokerStars 6812.0
7 paoloblu PokerClub 6634.0
8 printul7 PokerStars 6451.0
9 ForBluffSake PokerStars 6085.0
10 juanykeko PokerStars 5951.0
11 Slash990 PokerClub 5875.0
12 MangoStickyRice PokerClub 5266.0
13 Diemyfamily The Hive 4896.0
14 makkja PokerClub 4626.0
15 geopal PokerClub 4615.0
16 paco pecs 4042.0
17 AnnaB93 PokerClub 3745.0
18 YurenAA PokerStars 3725.0
19 DIVINAIUSTITIA PokerClub 3649.0
20 zlitza. The Hive 3468.0