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MainSelection: 2023

MainSelection: 2023
CategorySelection: Draw Heads Up

2023 - Draw Heads Up - $2 and under - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 eneybet PokerStars 0.86
2 condoru'72 PokerStars 0.85

2023 - Draw Heads Up - $2 and under - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 condoru'72 PokerStars 317.0
2 eneybet PokerStars 155.0
3 Edgar_Linton PokerStars 54.0
4 ghcastilho18 PokerStars 24.0
5 KtheKing PokerStars 17.0
6 magicthief PokerStars 6.0
7 boicha PokerStars 5.0
8 Alex Shepel PokerStars 3.0
8 Ac-King00 PokerStars 3.0
10 oahi5 PokerStars 2.0
10 SHOMDE10 PokerStars 2.0
10 xWILDxBILLx PokerStars 2.0
10 Jubei Savona PokerStars 2.0
10 PatR1CkZ PokerStars 2.0
10 wtrtwbnf PokerStars 2.0
16 Horse93 PokerStars 1.0
16 Bieltraxx PokerStars 1.0

2023 - Draw Heads Up - $2 and under - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 condoru'72 PokerStars 810.0
2 eneybet PokerStars 260.0
3 KtheKing PokerStars 48.0
4 Edgar_Linton PokerStars 47.0
5 ghcastilho18 PokerStars 31.0
6 XtheChemical PokerStars 23.0
7 boicha PokerStars 22.0
8 TheBoyNick PokerStars 20.0
9 DevolvedPlay PokerStars 14.0
10 magicthief PokerStars 12.0
11 Ac-King00 PokerStars 8.0
12 Horse93 PokerStars 7.0
13 king153246 PokerStars 6.0
13 adamati6 PokerStars 6.0
15 SHAMLESPIAY PokerStars 5.0
15 Bieltraxx PokerStars 5.0
17 xWILDxBILLx PokerStars 3.0
17 mixedgamer PokerStars 3.0
19 leshark81 PokerStars 2.0
19 Pokernidra PokerStars 2.0
19 Alex Shepel PokerStars 2.0
19 Letherfacce PokerStars 2.0