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MainSelection: 2021

MainSelection: 2021
CategorySelection: Omaha Hi 5 to 10 Players

2021 - Omaha Hi 5 to 10 Players - $16-$35 - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 Lets Burn Money PokerStars 269.0
2 maysville Global Poker 216.0
3 GitGud Global Poker 196.0
4 The TJS PokerStars 83.0
5 sisu7 Global Poker 76.0
6 Ndfightingirish Global Poker 60.0
7 carzzzzz4u Global Poker 56.0
7 El Brujo Especial Global Poker 56.0
9 NinjaDust1115 PokerStars(MI) 52.0
9 chunkypineapple PokerStars(MI) 52.0
9 Opted-Out PokerStars(MI) 52.0
9 Sleévy PokerStars(PA) 52.0
13 itsover4me PokerStars 36.0
13 sinhron PokerStars 36.0
15 mulan888 Global Poker 34.0
16 calicowl75 PokerStars(PA) 32.0
17 jaredpoker Global Poker 20.0
17 BustoMcGusto Global Poker 20.0
17 FaderHoldz Global Poker 20.0
17 Gourdy Global Poker 20.0
17 jack8offs Global Poker 20.0

2021 - Omaha Hi 5 to 10 Players - $16-$35 - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 Lets Burn Money PokerStars 55.0
2 Baron80 Global Poker 33.0
3 maysville Global Poker 21.0
4 jdchiphog Global Poker 20.0
4 GitGud Global Poker 20.0
6 Ndfightingirish Global Poker 12.0
7 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 6.0
8 Opted-Out Global Poker 5.0
8 2_7FTWdonk PokerStars 5.0
10 Joethetool Global Poker 4.0
10 xTheWall PokerStars 4.0
10 gar182n PokerStars 4.0
10 The TJS PokerStars 4.0
14 tingetange PokerStars 3.0
14 chraitor Global Poker 3.0
16 Mr. Robter PokerStars(PA) 2.0
16 Asul PokerStars 2.0
16 sisu7 Global Poker 2.0
16 AudioCloud Global Poker 2.0
16 calicowl75 PokerStars(PA) 2.0
16 mulan888 Global Poker 2.0
16 Squidhunter09 Global Poker 2.0
16 ButtCakes WPN 2.0
16 simon templar Global Poker 2.0
16 RudeRobbie Global Poker 2.0
16 bubblebwoy PokerStars 2.0
16 United 93 Global Poker 2.0