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MainSelection: 2019

MainSelection: 2019
CategorySelection: Rush And Zoom

2019 - Rush And Zoom - Any Stakes - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 slayerv1fan PokerStars 79.39
2 Spelis777 PokerStars 51.6
3 888TON43 PokerStars 50.36
4 baterflay PokerStars 49.73
5 KSV_Igor PokerStars 43.56
6 ChungkingExp PokerStars 38.98
7 NaVi_Lyasya PokerStars 33.53
8 fronzzzz PokerStars 33.47
9 drunk7joe PokerStars 31.1
10 WASP-12b PokerStars 28.8
11 mada_rooner PokerStars 27.28
12 bamboocha171 PokerStars 26.65
13 dclu98 PokerStars 23.88
14 stumpatzo PokerStars 23.38
15 Opted-Out PokerStars 22.4
16 Dibest1 PokerStars 21.26
17 moddii92 PokerStars 20.32
18 nontransito PokerStars 20.0
19 DMX251193 PokerStars 19.79
20 Ohsovi PokerStars 19.37

2019 - Rush And Zoom - Any Stakes - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 slayerv1fan PokerStars 364.64
2 Pseudo Fruto PokerStars 178.12
3 Opted-Out PokerStars 147.79
4 192.168.7734 PokerStars 142.21
5 YerickK PokerStars 123.44
6 Opted-Out PokerStars 116.2
7 msksevart PokerStars 114.8
8 Spelis777 PokerStars 112.19
9 baterflay PokerStars 111.25
10 888TON43 PokerStars 107.06
11 arcornok PokerStars 105.72
12 Easterdamn PokerStars 105.46
13 KSV_Igor PokerStars 102.12
14 Geshpanec538 PokerStars 98.52
15 ChungkingExp PokerStars 96.2
16 Hulaaaa PokerStars 85.38
17 Artemkos777 PokerStars 70.77
18 WASP-12b PokerStars 66.99
19 hateblondies PokerStars 65.9
20 mada_rooner PokerStars 65.4

2019 - Rush And Zoom - Any Stakes - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 bigfox86 PokerStars 66429.0
2 KSV_Igor PokerStars 46005.0
3 slayerv1fan PokerStars 39900.0
4 baterflay PokerStars 38885.0
5 888TON43 PokerStars 31458.0
6 MITS 304 PokerStars 30917.0
7 Spelis777 PokerStars 29663.0
8 fronzzzz PokerStars 25265.0
9 VC VEM!! PokerStars 23029.0
10 stumpatzo PokerStars 22582.0
11 Dowgh-Santos PokerStars 21925.0
12 newbieaa33 PokerStars 21506.0
13 WASP-12b PokerStars 19519.0
14 ChungkingExp PokerStars 19511.0
15 drunk7joe PokerStars 18302.0
16 NaVi_Lyasya PokerStars 17567.0
17 bamboocha171 PokerStars 16487.0
18 Opted-Out PokerStars 15684.0
19 mada_rooner PokerStars 15245.0
20 Ohsovi PokerStars 14657.0

2019 - Rush And Zoom - Any Stakes - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 2044.0
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 1721.0
3 KSV_Igor PokerStars 1576.0
4 KAPR!Z PokerStars 1488.0
5 ARM_FIDAY PokerStars 1250.0
6 baterflay PokerStars 1233.0
7 Modrzew PokerStars 1197.0
8 stumpatzo PokerStars 1135.0
9 LuckyBabruin PokerStars 1079.0
10 nontransito PokerStars 1051.0
11 Opted-Out PokerStars 1040.0
12 mada_rooner PokerStars 1020.0
13 WASP-12b PokerStars 925.0
14 Dibest1 PokerStars 903.0
15 fronzzzz PokerStars 895.0
15 MarceloteF PokerStars 895.0
17 Ohsovi PokerStars 865.0
18 Heopsss PokerStars 856.0
19 KONDUKTOR.UA PokerStars 773.0
20 KoHbBnaJbTo PokerStars 767.0