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MainSelection: 2019

MainSelection: 2019
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular

2019 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 gcone593 WPN 698.0
2 bbruins13 WPN 510.0
3 Yaawn WPN 490.0
4 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 343.0
4 mrpink209 WPN 343.0
6 thejoker57 WPN 203.0
7 DeemstaSteam WPN 130.0
8 Opted-Out WPN 39.0

2019 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 gcone593 WPN 17.0
2 bbruins13 WPN 15.0
3 Opted-Out WPN 12.0
4 moon_unit WPN 8.0
4 tdubz224 WPN 8.0
4 SatoshiNakomoto WPN 8.0
7 Thrash370 WPN 7.0
8 thejoker57 WPN 4.0
9 TerryMcCann WPN 3.0
9 DeemstaSteam WPN 3.0
9 Yaawn WPN 3.0
9 ZergLover WPN 3.0
13 Sleeper Cell WPN 2.0
13 PimpinDonks WPN 2.0
13 bubblebubble WPN 2.0
16 DeezNuts314 WPN 1.0
16 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 1.0
16 Dempsdawg WPN 1.0
16 Opted-Out WPN 1.0
16 MarcusAurelius8 WPN 1.0
16 AmancioOrtega WPN 1.0
16 LLaser88 WPN 1.0
16 Finister WPN 1.0
16 Mindlovers WPN 1.0