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MainSelection: 2017

MainSelection: 2017
CategorySelection: Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular

2017 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 jaredpoker Global Poker 11.47

2017 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 chipowich Chico 58.72
2 Wandy23 Chico 33.06
3 Verenhimoinen WPN 29.45
4 jaredpoker Global Poker 29.05
5 RenoJackson Chico 24.12
6 poker12 Global Poker 22.0
7 love2crack Chico 15.43
8 yayoshow0921 Global Poker 12.1
9 jagodicabobica Chico 10.14
10 tattletale WPN 0.95

2017 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 jaredpoker Global Poker 4875.0
2 chipowich Chico 4486.0
3 Wandy23 Chico 3978.0
4 Matt Gaines Chico 2976.0
5 slayerv1fan PokerStars 2503.0
6 Marko586 Chico 2198.0
7 qwazzy Global Poker 1750.0
8 DalsueTiltinDonks Global Poker 1640.0
9 artorollin PokerStars 1632.0
10 Verenhimoinen WPN 1519.0
11 love2crack Chico 1459.0
12 gconedog WPN 1424.0
13 crocolyle Global Poker 1390.0
14 BrownPants Global Poker 1340.0
15 AngeloRaj PokerStars 1313.0
16 Cutler27 Global Poker 1312.0
17 43Apex Chico 1284.0
18 Xodeadinsidexo Global Poker 1260.0
19 Rodpokpok PartyPoker(preJun2019) 1211.0
20 MagikCJ Global Poker 1160.0

2017 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 jaredpoker Global Poker 579.0
2 chipowich Chico 337.0
3 jagodicabobica Chico 290.0
4 Wandy23 Chico 186.0
5 RenoJackson Chico 178.0
5 Verenhimoinen WPN 178.0
7 poker12 Global Poker 175.0
8 Abigail93 Chico 133.0
9 theKiddow1 Chico 118.0
9 love2crack Chico 118.0
11 yayoshow0921 Global Poker 114.0
12 tattletale WPN 112.0
13 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 99.0
14 Ephie Global Poker 98.0
15 Matt Gaines Chico 94.0
15 crocolyle Global Poker 94.0
17 CDESPARKY Global Poker 89.0
18 GylbertFD1 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 79.0
19 thefiend34 Chico 76.0
20 OnionRingSasquatch Global Poker 75.0