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MainSelection: 2017

MainSelection: 2017
CategorySelection: Heads Up Super Turbo

2017 - Heads Up Super Turbo - $2 and under - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.23
1 gbnio PokerStars 0.23
3 Eva5656 PokerStars 0.22
3 Yanukovich.V PokerStars 0.22
5 TheLonelyGuy PokerStars 0.21
6 boss5747 PokerStars 0.2
6 again4gain PokerStars 0.2
6 clouveli PartyPoker(preJun2019) 0.2
6 razlivaykin PokerStars 0.2
10 candy-cane-c PokerStars 0.19
10 Flakon2010 PokerStars 0.19
10 woyaokuai PokerStars 0.19
10 Snowflave PartyPoker(preJun2019) 0.19
10 havirico PokerStars 0.19
10 Sjithand PokerStars 0.19
10 PrOKatana PokerStars 0.19
10 Crossvov PartyPoker(preJun2019) 0.19
10 LEONIDAS_LQT PokerStars 0.19
10 adamantium00 PokerStars 0.19
20 MFILE PokerStars 0.18
20 Tauron666 PokerStars 0.18
20 voooky PokerStars 0.18
20 saviocampos PokerStars 0.18
20 foldem7754 PokerStars 0.18
20 newerkla PokerStars 0.18
20 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.18

2017 - Heads Up Super Turbo - $2 and under - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 adamantium00 PokerStars 0.66
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.57
3 LeonZ13 PokerStars 0.54
3 TheBoyNick PokerStars 0.54
5 geri173 PokerStars 0.52
5 Flakon2010 PokerStars 0.52
5 seve13061984 PokerStars 0.52
5 razlivaykin PokerStars 0.52
9 Diez-90 PokerStars 0.49
9 TheLonelyGuy PokerStars 0.49
11 choma SkyPoker 0.47
12 candy-cane-c PokerStars 0.46
12 SHVETS13 PokerStars 0.46
12 hjalm21 PokerStars 0.46
12 phoolie84 PokerStars 0.46
12 icesmirnoff PokerStars 0.46
12 gbnio PokerStars 0.46
12 Arrturrr PokerStars 0.46
12 rijomanel PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 0.46
20 OMG_PhilGalfond MicroGaming 0.44

2017 - Heads Up Super Turbo - $2 and under - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 05351025 632.0
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 480.0
3 Onrecommence 449.0
4 again4gain PokerStars 361.0
5 clouveli PartyPoker(preJun2019) 293.0
6 gbnio PokerStars 264.0
7 Yanukovich.V PokerStars 240.0
8 PaWeR_12345 195.0
9 Opted-Out PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 192.0
10 newerkla PokerStars 190.0
11 candy-cane-c PokerStars 185.0
12 Eva5656 PokerStars 183.0
13 LEONIDAS_LQT PokerStars 174.0
14 TheLonelyGuy PokerStars 161.0
15 Tauron666 PokerStars 159.0
16 Oxsystyil PartyPoker(preJun2019) 152.0
17 Opted-Out PokerStars 141.0
18 kampfrobby PokerStars 140.0
18 Sjithand PokerStars 140.0
20 PWR_TOP 139.0

2017 - Heads Up Super Turbo - $2 and under - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 Blu3.D4rk 37055.0
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 22138.0
3 Onrecommence 20822.0
4 05351025 20051.0
5 PWR_TOP 18516.0
6 hvt1888 888Poker 15839.0
7 Cheb_ Mami 12219.0
8 11243054 PokerStars 10834.0
9 PaWeR_12345 9647.0
10 again4gain PokerStars 8382.0
11 psycologique 7779.0
12 madmax24156 7573.0
13 saichano69 7376.0
14 Opted-Out 7353.0
15 razlivaykin PokerStars 6906.0
16 ele59540 6471.0
17 MFILE PokerStars 6391.0
18 xxcresusxx62 6351.0
19 Krabman43 MicroGaming 6186.0
20 ElviraURS PartyPoker(preJun2019) 5954.0