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MainSelection: 2016

MainSelection: 2016
CategorySelection: Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 500 melhores séries de Ganho
1 NSStefan PokerStars 9.63
2 mishanya_pim PokerStars 6.55
3 Aist84 PokerStars 4.06
4 tutuca1987 PokerStars 3.32
5 tobibaby_KK PokerStars 3.02
6 gconedog WPN 2.88
7 M1kitos 888Poker 2.72
7 33suit PokerStars 2.72
9 1Bogdan1 PokerStars 2.6
10 laki_loose 888Poker 2.37
11 Aleks-bik PokerStars 2.35
12 WBET_cuore41 Dollaro 2.33
13 WBET_solarium Dollaro 1.96
14 Mikel Unanue PokerStars 1.89
15 felipaes33 PokerStars 1.88
16 xxeneize13 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 1.68
17 MCR89D PokerStars 1.64
18 shire40 SkyPoker 1.52
19 chachabamba 888Poker 1.42
20 Iena1978 1.37

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
Ranking Jogador País Rede Média das 100 melhores séries de Ganho
1 Carloss86 PokerStars 23.45
2 onthestoop PokerStars 21.15
3 mishanya_pim PokerStars 20.14
4 Aist84 PokerStars 18.78
5 NSStefan PokerStars 17.89
6 LeGerr WPN 14.09
7 Stealth 2.0 WPN 10.86
8 kristijan333 PokerStars 10.16
9 Cika Steve PokerStars 9.61
10 gansta_c1 PokerStars 9.55
11 Csemege9 PokerStars 9.38
12 t.sujet PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 8.93
13 EmbracetheRage WPN 8.62
14 Ankadiw PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 8.37
14 Opted-Out PokerStars 8.37
16 tutuca1987 PokerStars 8.25
17 IpoDonK WPN 8.16
18 Trample SkyPoker 8.11
19 Solidthought PokerStars 8.02
20 Dozka PokerStars 7.81

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Lucro
Ranking Jogador País Rede Lucro
1 UhhMee PokerStars 15185.0
2 NSStefan PokerStars 8387.0
3 OptionNz PokerStars 6906.0
4 newguy89 PokerStars 6147.0
5 mishanya_pim PokerStars 4876.0
6 felipaes33 PokerStars 2431.0
7 Carloss86 PokerStars 2297.0
8 chachabamba 888Poker 2024.0
9 tutuca1987 PokerStars 1966.0
10 onthestoop PokerStars 1955.0
11 Aist84 PokerStars 1874.0
12 WBET_cuore41 Dollaro 1818.0
13 tobibaby_KK PokerStars 1785.0
14 renarss PokerStars 1761.0
15 kokynho PokerStars 1757.0
16 shire40 SkyPoker 1745.0
17 kristijan333 PokerStars 1717.0
18 Mikel Unanue PokerStars 1698.0
18 33suit PokerStars 1698.0
20 Zoohar777 PokerStars 1588.0

2016 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - Any Stakes - Contagem
Ranking Jogador País Rede Contagem
1 Iena1978 31266.0
2 Nico88 13960.0
3 Blasco1900 10136.0
4 matomax 7815.0
5 folgore1991 7178.0
6 joker19871 PokerClub 5429.0
7 mandarinetto 4102.0
8 2michebotta MicroGame 3936.0
9 renarss PokerStars 3897.0
10 fipsimoaster PokerStars 3816.0
11 Opted-Out 888Poker 3708.0
12 sil10 3653.0
13 Opted-Out PokerClub 3202.0
14 MagicRiver53 PokerStars 3099.0
15 Opted-Out 888Poker 3094.0
16 BagdasaryanM PokerStars 2974.0
17 Ari Araujo PokerStars 2845.0
18 XHardX PokerClub 2621.0
19 NEWB6 Dollaro 2591.0
20 chachabamba 888Poker 2496.0